Blog - Gracesoft

Manage Online Hotel Bookings on Your Phone | GraceSoft

Written by Benjamin Deist | Wed, Dec 14, 2011 @ 10:37 PM

“Is there an app for that?”  How many times have you heard that in the past several years? Being electronically connected has become very important, and people have come to rely on the convenience of smart phones, I-pads and other tablets. While at times it may seem constant smart phone usage is a nuisance, many people are not only adapting to the changes, but embracing them.

With more and more consumers using smart phones and tablets to navigate everyday life, it makes sense that innkeepers, motel owners, hotel managers, bed and breakfast owners, and property management companies (condo and vacation home rental management) take advantage of the same technology their guests use.  Consumers using this latest technology are accustomed to being able to do things on the go, including making travel arrangements and book hotel reservations online at the last moment. This can create problems, particularly for inns, bed and breakfasts, small hotels, or any property where the front desk is not manned 24-7.

Traditional property management software typically notifies the property by email when new reservations are made. But what happens when nobody is sitting at the computer to read the email when it is delivered? Properties using online booking software need to be able to keep up with their guests, and be able to view incoming reservations as soon as they are made. Being able to view their reservation calendar on an I-pad or tablet, or see a list of incoming hotel reservations on a smart phone, allows hotel and motel managers the opportunity to catch those late night or last minute web bookings, especially when they are not on-site or sitting in front of the computer.

With the newest innovations of the property management system software Easy InnKeeping ASP by GraceSoft, staying on top of your reservations has never been easier. The answer is “Yes, there is an app for that!”  Easy InnKeeping’s app for mobile phones is a fast and convenient way to see your arrivals and departures for the day, which guests have checked in, and your upcoming reservations, including any new reservations you get from your online reservation page at Easy WebRez. A week-at-a-glance calendar is also available, plus you can enter new reservations directly from your smart phone.  If you prefer the larger screens of tablets such as the I-pad, we’ve found that most of our clients using those do prefer to utilize the full version of the software.  However, it’s your choice to either log into the full version of Easy InnKeeping, with all your regular features available to you, or use the mobile app.  Whichever way you choose to access your Easy InnKeeping, your guest and reservation information is available, at your fingertips, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.