Blog - Gracesoft

The Importance of Hotel Channel Manager Software During COVID | GraceSoft

Written by GraceSoft team | Fri, Jun 04, 2021 @ 01:30 PM

Hotel Channel Manager is a system which is used to sell rooms on all the online booking sites simultaneously, it will automatically update your rates & availability in real-time on all sites.

Last year (2020), the COVID-19 pandemic affected the whole hospitality industry, now the hotels are slowly recovering from the COVID crisis. Hotels all over the world are preparing for the financial rebound this year.

Here in this blog, we will explain the importance of the hotel channel manager software.

Nowadays, hoteliers are exploring all the hospitality technologies, also if you have not considered a channel manager yet? Please change your approach and connect with multiple channels, gain the opportunity to reach more people & improve your revenue.

People have started to travel & are staying in hotels more than the previous year, and so nowadays the bookings are increasing compared to the previous years. So, you need to connect your hotel PMS with multiple channels to improve your profit.

Integrate your powerful hotel property management system with hotel channel manager software, you can manage your rates & inventories across multiple channels and get bookings in real-time.

Increase your Scope & Online reservations through more channels:

In these modern days, the tourists and vacationers are searching for room availability in the top channels, if you have not connected with the types of channels yet you will be losing a lot of bookings & revenue.

So, first and foremost connect your hotel with multiple channels and push your rates & rooms availability across all the channels which will reach more people, so your bookings will be automatically improved.

Eliminate Over Bookings & increase hotel revenue:

Without a channel manager, you are forced to split the inventory between the channels; it may lead to overbookings or failure to reach the full occupancy. Channel manager displays the rates & availability in real-time, it updates automatically so you can receive reservations faster and it will reduce overbookings

Improves your direct bookings:

Really the online OTA channels help the hotels to trademark their property around the travellers worldwide. So, the traveller will search for your hotel site and details about your property, so it will lead to getting a direct sale.

Accurate – reduces the manual process:

We all know about manual data entry; it is more time-consuming & irritating. Also, it is not very accurate, but the channel manager data is very accurate & much more productive.

GraceSoft provides a fully integrated channel manager with hotel software PMS, you can enjoy the real-time update of room availability & reservations and reduce the risk of double-bookings.

Channel management does not only help to automate things & improve revenue, but also helps you to overcome the difficulties in this COVID situation.