Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort

Explore how Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort optimized its operations and saved costs by transitioning from Hotelogix to Easy Innkeeping. Discover the challenges faced, benefits realized, and the exceptional support experience that propelled this successful technology switch.


"I highly recommend Easy Innkeeping for its personal touch, dependability, and affordability"



Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort, a seasonal resort with complex needs, struggled to find a property management system (PMS) that offered both robust functionality and responsive support. They initially chose Hotelogix but experienced communication issues and a lack of workarounds for their specific needs.

Challenges with Hotelogix

Erica Nagel, General Manager of Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort, initially opted for Hotelogix but faced challenges with system functionality and support. There were immediate disconnects in communication with the support team, leading to frustration in resolving issues promptly. The system's limitations became evident as the resort's operations demanded more flexibility and capabilities than Hotelogix could provide.


Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort switched to Easy InnKeeping in July 2018 after further research. Easy Innkeeping's cloud-based system offered the necessary flexibility and features to handle the resort's seasonal operations.


By partnering with GraceSoft Easy Innkeeping, Hillsdale College achieved several key outcomes:

  • Improved Support: Erica, the General Manager, particularly appreciates Easy Innkeeping's US-based support team. They consistently provide prompt answers and, unlike their previous experience, actively seek workarounds for any limitations within the system.
  • Increased Efficiency: The user-friendly interface and comprehensive features of Easy Innkeeping streamlined operations at the resort.
  • Cost Savings: By switching to Easy Innkeeping, Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort saves approximately $700 annually on PMS costs.


"In particular I appreciate GraceSoft's support team, based in the US, always promptly answers. I like the fact that Easy InnKeeping’s support team never simply says "It can't do that." Almost always they have a workaround which, in my experience with Hotelogix and looking at other systems, is something that can't be beat"

Erica Nagel, General Manager, Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort

This case study demonstrates how Easy Innkeeping can benefit resorts with:

  • Seasonal operations
  • Complex needs
  • A requirement for exceptional customer support
  • A desire to reduce operational costs


The transition from Hotelogix to Easy Innkeeping has empowered Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort with a comprehensive property management system that not only meets their operational needs but also supports their growth and customer service goals. Erica Nagel's positive experience with GraceSoft's support team and the tangible cost savings highlight the value of selecting the right technology partner to drive success in the hospitality industry. Easy Innkeeping continues to be instrumental in streamlining operations and enhancing guest satisfaction at Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort.

Considering a new PMS?

Contact GraceSoft Easy Innkeeping today to learn more about how their system can help your resort thrive.

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