Hospitality management software

Happy Valentine's Day from Easy InnKeeping | GraceSoft

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Easy InnKeeping! Discover how our hotel management software can help you create memorable experiences for your guests, making every day special.

I'm way too late with this article to do anything for this year's Valentine's Day, but I've been sitting here getting caught up in the romance of the day and started thinking about which of the many properties that use Easy InnKeeping as their Property Management Software would make for a great romantic getaway spot.

I can picture myself in one of the elegantly decorated Victorian rooms at Beauclaire's Bed & Breakfast Inn with that someone special. And did someone mention a claw foot tub? Bring on the bubbles. I'm there.

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(image courtesy of Beauclaire's Bed and Breakfast)

Or maybe Mr. Special Someone would rather spend time at the beach. So many locations to choose from. Hmm, Hawaii might be nice this time of year. A week at West Inn Kauai has all sorts of possibilities for a little romance.

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(image courtesy of West Inn Kauai)

But wait, could spooky be considered romantic? I did a little looking online at one of Easy InnKeeping's newest clients, The Hackett Hotel, and not only are they in an historic building that's over 100 years old (don't worry, The Hackett Hotel has all the modern conveniences), there's rumors that they could be haunted.

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(image courtesy of The Hackett Hotel)

I don't know how accurate the rumors are, but I do recognize an opportunity to snuggle up to Mr. Special when I see it.

Wow, so many really cool and romantic places to choose from. Next year I'l definitely have to plan ahead. Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!

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