Expedia Quick Connect, is it right for your Property?
Do you want to try using Expedia? Are you currently managing Expedia through there Extranet or another GDS system? If, yes to either question, then Expedia Quick Connect the right choose for your property. Expedia Quick Connect now directly interfaces with Easy InnKeeping allowing to you manage your rates and inventor in one place and displaying your rooms on Expedia with options to also display on Hotels.com, Venere, Hotwire, EGENCIA, trivago, Expedia Affliate Network, eLong.com, and AirAsiaGo.com.

Joining Expedia for the first time? Click here and complete the contact us form with Expedia. They will then review your property information and contact you with the different options that would be available for your property. Depending on the number of current request and your market area, it may take a few days to a couple of weeks to receive a response from Expedia. You can also www.joinexpedia.com to review general information about joining Expedia.
Switching form Expedia Extranet to Expedia Quick Connect with Easy InnKeeping can save you a lot of time and simplify the online promotion of your room inventory. Click here to request a phone call about the benefits of switching and how to get the process started.
Switching from managing your Expedia reservations through a GDS service to Expedia Quick Connect with Easy InnKeeping will simplify your relationship with Expedia by taking out the middle man allowing you the opportunity to reduce your marketing expenses. Click here to request a phone call about making the switch to save you money.

GraceSoft is now a connectable vendor with Expedia Quick Connect
The EQC (Expedia Quick Connect) team is pleased to announce that Gracesoft Software is now out of the Expedia QuickConnect ® soft-launch environment and has successfully passed all tests with no reported incidents with The Pelican Key Largo Cottages (6839376).