With the ever-present challenge of limiting spam and phishing emails; stricter measures are now required to ensure delivery of legitimate emails. On or before October 19th; we will be updating email delivery for Easy InnKeeping and Easy WebRez clients.

With the ever-present challenge of limiting spam and phishing emails; stricter measures are now required to ensure delivery of legitimate emails. On or before October 26th; we will be updating email delivery for Easy InnKeeping and Easy WebRez clients.

Implementation of New Email Delivery

Currently in Easy InnKeeping or Easy WebRez, any reservation, confirmation or any other email is delivered to your guests through the GraceSoft email server.

We are upgrading email delivery so that after October 26th; emails will be sent directly through YOUR email server; or through a forwarding email process. This sending process will ensure a higher rate of deliverability to your guests.

This upgrade will be implemented in two phases,

Phase One: October 9-26th.

Clients will be notified to go to your Easy InnKeeping Setup screen and update your Email Configuration. Instructions are below for configuring Gmail, Microsoft email and other email providers.

Phase Two: After October 26th

For any clients who have not updated their Email Configuration; an email forwarding option will be implemented to comply with the new email delivery process. Emails will be delivered through to the property email you have defined in Easy InnKeeping.

Configure your email server in Easy InnKeeping: (To be done immediately!)

There are many different email providers, we will provide here instructions for some of the most common email platforms.

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