Online Booking Engine

Online Booking Engine for Hotels & B&B - Make Reservations with Ease

The latest online booking engine from GraceSoft providers of Easy InnKeeping Hotel Software and Channel Manager. Easy Webrez V3 simplifies the booking process, so guests can easily make reservation from any device such as mobile, tablet or desktop computer

It is to every property’s advantage to optimize their ability to give guests a way to book directly. Since its inception, Easy InnKeeping has included the Easy WebRez booking engine. Now Advanced and Premium users can take advantage of the mobile friendly features and beautiful layout of Easy WebRez 3.0!

Over 50% of your potential guests are using a smart phone and if you don't have a mobile site, you are losing business! The Customized Easy WebRez, will allow your customers to make reservations with ease from their smart phones and tablets.

The OTAs have policies that try to preclude individual property websites from offering any rates that are lower than the OTAs rate. However, hotel chains have begun touting discounts through loyalty programs. For the guest booking from your own web site, you can offer promotions exclusive to returning guests, or discounts such as AAA rates, Senior Citizen discounts or discounts for military personnel.
These are some of the key features of the Online booking engine Easy Webrez 3.0

  • Showcase your property with quality photos, displayed as background images, fill your guests mobile screen with enticing views of your property!
  • Mobile friendly, easy to navigate booking page with clear pricing and policies displayed.
  • Efficient, PCI compliant payment processing and immediate confirmation
  • Shopping Cart to sell additional items such as Spa treatments or Ski tickets.

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